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'Resident Medium & Mystic Watcher'

When I was young in the early 1970’s, living with my parents in Derbyshire, I didn’t know at the time (as I was too young) that I used to say and do strange things.


My parents decorated my room, it was lovely and new but I screamed nearly every night saying I could see men and woman in the room.. they couldn’t figure it out and decided it must be a three year old with a vivid imagination so they painted the walls white thinking I was seeing something in the wallpaper, but it wasn’t…


I still saw the people.


I would describe their clothing, some of them would turn scary. 


Other things started to happen, I would merrily tell my mother that someone was at the front door before they had knocked or the phone was going to ring. 

Overtime, we all realised that through my maternal grandmother, the family gypsy blood had filtered through. 

During school at a young age I knew things were different, how I acted, what I thought I knew in a way that there was something else to this world. 

I had a feeling I had been here before but in a different timeline. 


I first got interested in the Paranormal world when I was 10 years old living in York.

I had stumbled upon some ghost stories and things started to make sense. I wanted to find out more.

I started to see figures of people again. 

Fast forward to me living in Devon in my early twenties and my father, knowing of my interest, found a charity ghost hunt to which I signed up. Off I went and enjoyed every moment and knew this was me that what I had been experiencing made sense. 


A few years later I started to research and find my own way. 

I started to attend public paranormal events. I spent ten years traveling around the country investigating within public and private teams/companies. I also sat in a development circle for nine years learning about my senses and becoming a physic medium. 

I love to teach others. I love to see people douse for the first time or even sense a spirit.

I have been privileged to see a few ghosts in my lifetime including a horse groom in a coaching pub in Devon, a monk in Northumberland, and a lady who was the caretaker’s wife in my own home which is a converted Methodist church. 

I love to investigate and look forward to continuing my spiritual path with Ghostly Nights.

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